Functional Lab Testing

At Amplify Health & Wellness, our doctors strive to uncover the root cause of illness and disease. Part of this investigation often involves ordering labs (blood work, salivary testing, stool samples, urine testing). Functional labs refer to labs that are run by functional medicine practitioners and are not typically available through conventional practitioners. Furthermore, our doctors are trained to view labs a bit differently, in that they look for ranges reflecting optimal health, rather than ranges based on the "average" person. 


  • Every person is different, so the labs recommended for one patient may not be the same labs recommended for another. Some labs that may be looked at include basic panels (complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, lipid panel), as well as more specific functional labs (thyroid panel, iron panel, micronutrient testing, stool analysis, food sensitivity test, urine mycotoxin testing, advanced hormone testing, organic acid test, etc.).

  • The cost of running labs varies greatly depending on the lab company, which tests are being run, and whether or not the lab companies take insurance. Our doctors will always discuss the different options available so you can find the most suitable and cost-effective lab for your case.

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